Monday, 15 December 2014
Saint Joan of Arc
I am St. Joan of Arc. I was born in the year 1412 in Domrémy-la-Pucelle. I heard a lot of voices and saw a lot of visions of saints at my home. Why did they appear to me? I didn’t know until...The voices told me that I was the only one who could save France and I would have to join the army, but I didn’t believe them. But the saints kept telling me I was the only one who could save France. So I went to the Dauphin, and he tested me, to see if I was worthy to join the army. I passed his test, for he had realised that I was a messenger of God. The Dauphin said that I could fight for his army, but to do so, I had to pretend I was a boy.
When I was at the battle field, I rode on the Dauphin’s white horse, and held the French flag. I didn’t fight. But one day, my army and I, were outnumbered, so they retreated and left me behind. I then was captured by the enemy. In their place where they kept me, there was a tower that overlooked the courtyard. I jumped of the tower, and miraculously. It took me a long time to recover, but when I did, the enemy caught me and brought me to a cell. There, I stayed until they brought me and condemned me to death at the age of 19!
Now here I lay in heaven watching people celebrate my feast day on May 30th.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Phyllis Wong Book Review
Phyllis Wong
and the
Phyllis Wong and the forgotten secrets of Mr Okyto, is about a girl named Phyllis. Her great grandfather was the Great Conjuror of Wonder, so conjuring is in her veins. When continuous robberies occur, Phyllis is determined to find out more, even if it is baffling Chief Inspector Inglis. She learns that not all crimes has a simple explanation.
My favourite character is Phyllis’ friend, Clement because instead of Phyllis getting really hurt, he got injured. He is also very faithful to Phyllis.
I recommend this book to people ages 9+ and to people who like magic and mystery books.
Friday, 12 December 2014
RaPunzel review
N.Z. Auckland Playhouse acted a play named RAPunzel, in Christ the King hall at 11:30am on Wednesday 12th of November. It was entertaining.
When the first actor named Jack, introduced himself, as Simon Cow. The audience roared with laughter. Simon Cow also said some sophisticated humour that made the seniors laugh.
The third actor named, Ben was Prince Rupert, and was finding a place to hide from his father, his pants were hanging loose at the back. So we could see his underwear, the audience were laughing hysterically. The juniors laughed the hardest.
When Rapunzel(Jane), Simon Cow(Jack), and Prince Rupert(Ben), were on the stage rapping. The audience booed Simon Cow as he went forward to do his rap.
The actors did a great job at acting, and did an even better job at entertaining the audience.
I recommend this to people who love humorous plays, and especially to juniors. Because there was slapstick humour. Some seniors would also enjoy it because there also was sophisticated humour.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Book Review
I recommend this book for ages 10 and above, because you need to be mature to handle what is happening and there are hard words. It is suitable for older people because it is action packed, and there is a lot of adventure in it.
By: Estelle
My Artwork Prayer
Gracious God,
I can see your creation through the koru
I can see the waves that your mighty arm created
I can feel you everywhere I go, like feeling the grass in a field beneath my feet. For everywhere you go in a field there is grass
I can hear the wind whispering a message from you in my ears
I can feel the koru plants that you have created, which shows your love for me.
By:Estelle Fernandez
Margaret & the giants
There was once an old man who had 2 sons, and 1 daughter, who lived in a small cottage away from the village. The elder son, Menelaus was selfish and mean to his siblings. Christopher, the second son, liked to be better than Menelaus, and he bullied his younger sister, Margaret. Margaret, the youngest had more brains than the other two combined.
One day the family ran out of food, so he asked his elder son, Menelaus to go to the town square and ask for some bread and cheese. Menelaus grumbled and groaned, and finally set off to the town square. There he saw people screaming and running out of the castle. He entered the castle full of curiosity to know what all the racket was about. Then he saw a humongous , mean, and ugly giant that he had ever seen. The giant roared, “Give me all your gold, and I might spare your life!” Menelaus ran back home and told everyone what had happened.
Christopher, who always wanted to beat his brother at everything, said, “Mene, you scaredy cat! I will get the bread and cheese, and kill the giant!” So off he went, to the town square where the giant was thrashing and throwing people. Christopher unsheathed his dagger and started thrashing his sword at the giants ankle. The giant, who was thrashing the bodies, stopped, dropped the body and started to giggle. He giggled and giggled until he couldn’t hold it any longer, so he guffawed. Christopher was so shocked at the giants laugh(because a giants laugh sounds like he is coughing or choking) that he ran all the way back home. He was so ashamed, to tell everyone what had happened that Menelaus teased him until it was time to sleep.
That night, Margaret crept out of bed and went out the front door, and headed for the town square. She didn’t know where the town square exactly was, but she knew that she was close, because of the familiar giant laugh. Then she went through a small crack in the wall, and peeped through. There she saw, not 1, but 3 giants laughing. Margaret was so disgusted at the ugliness of the giants, that she picked up the nearest thing next to her, and threw it at the giants. Thock! The thing that was next to her was a dead body, it hit one of the giants square in the eye. The giant howled in pain, but the other 2 stood up and walked/stomped to Margaret. She thought that they wouldn’t be able to see her, but then one of the giants snatched her and said, “Now, would you look at that, I think I just found what we need to do the job!” The giants crowded around her and looked at her like she was their dinner. The one who was holding her, led the other giants outside a castle, there he said, “I will hurl you on top of the castle. I want you to open the castle door and let us in. You, got it?!” Shakily Margaret said, “But won’t the guards get me?” The giant with the hairy nose said, “We already killed all the guards, so HURRY UP!!!” So the giant who was holding Margaret, threw her on top of the castle. Margaret went down windy stairs, until she came to the bottom floor. There she wondered, why do the giants want to enter this castle so badly? But then she knew why, because there at the far end of the room, was 18 cauldrons overflowing with gold. Margaret then said, “I don’t want to let the giants take all this gold!” So Margaret thought of a plan as she gazed at the small door. “Hurry up and let us in!” said the giants. Margaret then replied, “I’ll let you in the smaller door because I can’t open the big one!” So Margaret opened the smaller door. The giant with the hairy nose squeezed himself through, but he got stuck, then Margaret unsheathed her sword and stabbed the giant in the heart. Then the other giant pushed the dead body of his way and poked his head through, Margaret then sliced his head. The other giant squeezed through and said, “Give me the gold and I might spare your life!!!” But Margaret merely said, “Wish I could say the same thing to ya.” Then she stabbed him in the heart and sliced his head off. Then she ran to the kings room and told him that she had killed the giants, but the king didn’t believe her, so she showed him the bodies of the giants. The king then said, “I must award you for the giants have been a great threat to the kingdom, what is it that you want?” Margaret thought hard and finally she answered, “My family needs some food, so is it ok if I may come to the castle and give some food for them?” The king nodded and said, “But I want to give YOU the reward because YOU were the one who enslaved the giants.” Without skipping a beat, Margaret answered, “Can I be a knight? Even though I am a girl?” The king then said, “Then let it be done, the first ever girl to protect the kingdom from harm!”
Then they lived Happily Ever After!
The End
Lily’s Diary
18 December 2018
Dear diary,(Or to whoever is reading this)
I am VERY excited, because it is only 7 more days until it is CHRISTMAS!!! I have already got a present for my brother, which is an xbox 360 game called ‘Destiny’ . Which I wrapped with an xbox wrapper and a christmas wrapper. So on one side it has a xbox wrapper, and on the other side, it has a christmas wrapper(which looks kind of funny :) )I also have my fathers present which is a new badminton racket. I haven’t wrapped it yet, because I don’t know how to wrap it.(How do you wrap a racket?) The only present that I need to get now, is a present for my mother.
19 December
Today, I went to my cousins house where we did secret santa. There, all of our names are placed into something(preferably a hat) and then each of us pick out a name, and whoever we get, is who we have to give a present to. Then, it was my turn, I stepped to the table, and picked out a name. Carefully I unfolded it, under my breath I whispered, “I am going to give a present to…” I cut off because of the name that was written on the piece of paper. “I’m going to give a present to MYSELF?” I said, scarcely a whisper. “Oh, you have to put that back in the hat, Lily, then get out a new one.” Said my Aunt. So I picked out another piece of paper and opened it, quicker this time. Relieved I sighed and leaned against the wall, for, on the paper it said the name ‘JASMINE’ . Jasmine is my favourite cousin. “It is going to be easy to get a present for Jasmine.” I thought.
20 December
5 more days, and I still haven’t got a present for my mother!!! But not only do I have to give a present to my mum, but I also have to give a present to Jasmine. Luckily though, my family are going to Lynn mall tomorrow. Oh, and I finally have found out how to wrap a badminton racket. Well, not really, because my mum did most of the wrapping.
21 December
Today, I went to Lynn mall, and there I bought a present for Jasmine and a present for my MOTHER!!! Finally! So my present for jasmine is the whole book series of a Dog and his Girl Mysteries. My Mothers present is some baking equipment because my mother LOVES baking. I put them under the Christmas tree already. I also bought my brother, father, and mother’s favourite chocolate, and put it in their stockings. I am super EXCITED for CHRISTMAS!!!
24 December
I...can’t...believe...that...It’s CHRISTMAS EVE!!! I can hardly sleep! My family and I are going to my cousins house on the 26th of December, again for a surprise at lunch time. No one knows what the surprise is, only my Aunt and my dad. I can hardly wait!
25 December
It’s CHRISTMAS!!! I can’t believe it! Right now, I am downstairs beside the Christmas Tree, and am writing what YOU are reading right NOW. My hands are shaky so please excuse my shaky handwriting. Now I’m opening my present...It’s what I always wanted! Woohoo! It’s a Rebel messenger Bow! OH Yeah! My brother then opens his present that I gave him. When he sees it he shouts, “Yeah! Thanks Lily!” I smile and say, “You’re welcome.” I am glad that I have made someone happy this Christmas. Then my mother and father open their presents and I notice the joy and happiness in their eyes, even though they don’t really show it. Then we change and get ready to go to my cousins house. My brother asks if he can play Destiny, and when my parents say yes, he immediately puts the disk inside our X-Box 360 and, waits for it to load. Then I get my Rebel Messenger Bow out, I then aim and shoot at the wall, and I completely miss. It lands at my feet. Wow. :D
26th December
It’s Boxing day! My family went to Farmers and other shops to buy things for ourselves and wrappings for secret santa. Then we got our presents for the person who we give a present to, and drive to my cousins house. There my auntie produced a box of chocolates and said, “If you can guess your secret santa, you’ll get a chocolate.” I really wanted to guess who my secret santa was, so I thought, who was kind to me the last few weeks. My thoughts were interrupted because Jasmine shouted loudly, “I know who my secret santa is! It’s Lily!!!” I nearly jumped out of my skin. I gave her my gift and smiled and said, “Merry Christmas Jasmine! :)”
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
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