
Thursday, 23 June 2016

People and Protest


In our class we were learning about scale drawings, decimal points, measurement and enlarging. We were also learning about Catholic Social Justice in our Religious Education. For our inquiry we have been researching inspiring historical people for our focus “People and Protest.” (Our intention is to enter the Elsie Locke Writing Competition). The first part of our inquiry was teacher led where we found out about Saint Oscar Romero. It was also a math activity. We had to scale and ratio a copy of the painting and enlarge it so that it could be put onto our class wall. (This image is as big as I am!) This came from the site:Truly Love thy Neighbour. My self directed inquiry is on St. Joan of Arc.

Here is a link to my report on Oscar Romero:


  1. I just love this artwork Estelle! I like how bold it is; it really makes a statement when you walk into your classroom. Which portion of it did you create?

  2. Anonymous6/28/2016

    Hi Ms Mckenna,
    I iniatally was doing the nose then I helped finish of the glasses and eyebrows.


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