
Saturday, 31 December 2016

My Blog Tour


  1. Anonymous7/05/2016

    Kia ora Estelle,
    My name is Tania and I live in Whangarei. I work with lots of different teachers and learners like you who use chromebooks and share their learning on a blog. You are so VERY clear and talk at the perfect pace which makes your video so easy to understand. I get to see lots of students blogs and it is so important that there is a clear title and an introduction to who you are as a learner. When I can find out about you it encourages me to comment as I feel I can make a connection with you. I like how you tell your audience about your ThingLink, your total page views and your live traffic feed. It is great that you encourage people to leave a positive and helpful comment. I wonder if I could challenge you to create another blog tour to talk about the 'gadgets' on the left hand side... I would love to hear you explaining your labels, recent comments and the blog archive too. I will share your video in the Ako Hiko Google + Community. Hopefully you will get more feedback. Thank you to Mrs Ashe for sharing with me. Let me know if you decide to take up my challenge!

    1. Anonymous7/05/2016

      Hi Tania,
      Thank you for your great feedback.
      Yes I will take up your challenge and I will post it on my blog as soon as I can.

  2. HI Estellle
    I really enjoyed watching your blog tour. I would love to show it to my Year 5 class. What programme did you use to record your voice and screen? Are you using a chromebook or another device?
    Keep up the good work.
    Mrs Maritz
    Park Estate Primary Auckland

    1. Anonymous7/05/2016

      Hi Alida
      Thank you so much! I used screencastify to record my voice and screen, and I used my chromebook to do so.

  3. Anonymous9/19/2016

    Hi Estelle,

    That was a great screencastify, you spoke very clearly.
    I love the idea of a blog tour; I'll keep it in mind for one of my next posts!

    That thinglink picture was pretty cool to!
    You have lots of great ideas and posts on your blog!

    Why don't you come check out my blog next time you want to comment on Yaldhurst Model School?
    Here is the web a dress:
    Catch you later!

    Rimu Class
    Yaldhurst Model School


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